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The canal expects to see around 13,000 ship transits this fiscal year, compared to 12,245 last year. Container ships have led the recovery while liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are among the fastest growing segments for the waterway. The Panama Canal Authority says vessel transits are rebounding as global trade picks up, Bloomberg reported. Panama Canal Transits Rise (July 14, 12:30 p.m. The report was based on information collected by the Fed’s 12 regional banks through July 2. “Supply-side disruptions became more widespread, including shortages of materials and labor, delivery delays, and low inventories of many consumer goods.” economy strengthened further from late May to early July, displaying moderate to robust growth,” the Federal Reserve said in its Beige Book survey released Wednesday. recovery picked up in the past two months, though reopening the economy from the pandemic created increasing strains in attracting workers and filling orders, Bloomberg reported. Economy Strengthens Amid Disruptions, Labor Shortages (July 14, 3:30 p.m. Even so, initial claims remain above pre-pandemic levels and employers continue to point out trouble with finding qualified workers, which could be holding back the pace of the labor market recovery. Initial claims in regular state programs decreased by 26,000 to 360,000 in the week ended July 10, Labor Department data showed Thursday. state unemployment insurance fell last week to a fresh pandemic low, Bloomberg reported, indicating that dismissals are easing as business conditions improve and firms look to increase headcounts. Jobless Claims Fall to Pandemic Low (July 15, 9:00 a.m.

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and Haitian scientists, regulatory and legal teams coordinated on the initial shipment. President Biden’s administration will send a significant amount of additional vaccine doses to the country soon, according to Bloomberg. on Wednesday delivered 500,000 doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine to Haiti, the Caribbean nation reeling from the assassination of its president, Jovenel Moise. U.S.-Shipped Vaccines Arrive in Haiti (July 15, 10:00 a.m. The latest data show that the Fed’s index of factory output remains below pre-pandemic levels despite a sharp snapback in the economy. While robust consumer spending and business investment are keeping factory order books full, production has been restrained by lean supplies of materials, shipping delays and a lack of skilled workers. Total industrial production, which also includes mining and utility output, climbed 0.4% in June after a revised 0.7% gain a month earlier. The 0.1% decrease followed a 0.9% gain in May, Federal Reserve data showed Thursday. factories declined in June against a backdrop of persistent supply shortages, particularly at automakers, and soaring materials costs, Bloomberg reported. Declines on Auto Output (July 15, 12:00 p.m. To read our complete coronavirus coverage and analysis, click HERE.

Big ip edge client components virus